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以抗病家系与易感家系半滑舌鳎为材料,进行哈维弧菌感染实验,并对易感家系感染前(CsSU)、易感家系感染后(CsSC)、抗病家系感染前(CsRU)、抗病家系感染后(CsRC)4组进行转录组测序,根据RNA-seq数据挖掘半滑舌鳎长链非编码RNA信息;通过生物信息学分析,筛选出与抗哈维弧菌病相关的差异长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA, lncRNA)。结果显示,共识别出4 584个lncRNA座位,包含5 714个转录本;其基本特征与编码基因的比较分析,lncRNA的GC含量低于编码基因,单外显子基因数多于编码基因,转录本的平均长度长于编码基因,基因表达量低于编码基因。对4组样品进行两两比较(CsRU vs CsSU、CsRC vs CsSC、CsRC vs CsRU、CsSC vs CsSU)分别筛选出818、813、261、140个差异表达lncRNA,其中CsRU与CsSU之间、CsRC与CsSC之间lncRNA数目差异最多,通过聚类分析确定了各实验组的表达模式之间的联系,CsRU与CsSU之间的表达模式最为相近。通过共表达分析,预测出lncRNA和274个编码基因可能存在14 539种相互关系,并进行了功能注释,进而筛选出7个关键lncRNA。qRT-PCR结果显示,差异表达lncRNAs的表达模式和转录组数据得到的基本一致。研究结果为揭示lncRNA在半滑舌鳎抗哈维弧菌免疫调控反应中的作用提供重要的参考数据。  相似文献   
Shrimp cultivation has been faced with huge losses in productivity caused by infectious shrimp pathogenic vibrios, especially Vibrio parahaemolyticus that causes acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND). Hence, purple nonsulphur bacteria (PNSB) were isolated from shrimp ponds for investigating their abilities to control shrimp pathogenic Vibrio spp. and their use as probiotics for sustainable shrimp cultivation. Based on their probiotic properties, strains S3W10 and SS15 were selected because of their strong abilities to produce amylase, gelatinase and vitamin B12. However, only three PNSB strains (SS15, TKW17 and STW181) strongly inhibited V. harveyi_KSAAHRC and V. vulnificus_KSAAHRC including V. parahaemolyticusAHPND strains by secreting antivibrio compounds. Four selected PNSB also grew in the presence of pancreatic enzymes, and they were identified as Rhodobacter sphaeroides for strains S3W10, SS15 and TKW17 and Afifella marina for strain STW181. The effects of a mixed culture were also investigated as follows: T1 (S3W10 + SS15), T2 (S3W10 + TKW17) and T3 (S3W10 + STW181) on postlarval white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) for 60 days by comparison with a control. All three probiotic PNSB sets significantly improved the digestive enzyme activities and shrimp growth with their proliferation in shrimp gastrointestinal tract although the shrimp survival was not significantly different. They also significantly reduced the cumulative mortality of shrimp exposed to a virulent AHPND strain (V. parahaemolyticusSR2). This is the first to conclude that selected probiotic PNSB strains have great potential to be used for shrimp cultivation to control vibrios including AHPND strains.  相似文献   
以1.0×106CFU·m L~(-1)拟态弧菌(Vibrio mimicus)浸浴感染黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco),于第0、第4、第8、第16、第24、第36、第48、第60、第72小时剖杀取样,研究病理损伤及病原菌的体内动态分布。结果显示,皮肤肌肉、鳃、肠道出现病变最早,其中皮肤肌肉损伤最严重。第16小时表皮变性、坏死,鳃上皮肿胀,肠绒毛水肿;第24~第48小时表皮坏死、脱落,真皮严重出血,肌纤维变性、坏死,鳃出血,上皮局部坏死,肠上皮变性与灶性坏死;第48~第72小时皮肤肌肉坏死更严重,形成溃疡灶,鳃灶性坏死。肾、肝、脾与心36 h后相继出现不同程度的淤血、出血,变性和灶性坏死。q PCR检测发现,第4小时即在鳃、肠、皮肤肌肉检出病菌,细菌含量分别为1.3×102CFU·mg~(-1)、2.6×102CFU·mg~(-1)、4.7×102CFU·mg~(-1);鳃与皮肤肌肉中菌量随时间延长而增加,第72小时皮肤肌肉中菌量达到4.5×107CFU·mg~(-1);第24小时后相继在肾、肝、脾、心检出病菌,菌量介于1.9×10~4.7×102CFU·mg~(-1)之间。结果表明皮肤、鳃和肠道是病菌的入侵位点,并在体内多组织、器官分布。  相似文献   
采用基于核磁共振波谱技术的代谢组学技术,探索菲律宾蛤仔在受到鳗弧菌和灿烂弧菌感染的代谢物变化特征,构建菲律宾蛤仔对弧菌感染后的代谢网络调控图谱,并比较两种弧菌毒性效应的差异。试验结果表明,3种代谢物葡萄糖、谷氨酸、苏氨酸在两种弧菌感染时均发生了变化,表征鳗弧菌感染的代谢物为牛磺酸、精氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、缬氨酸;而表征灿烂弧菌污染的代谢物为甜菜碱、二甲基甘氨酸、胆碱、谷氨酸、亚牛磺酸。  相似文献   
为了解对虾养殖池中副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)的耐药性和毒力基因的携带情况,2018年从山东4个地区的对虾养殖池收集分离副溶血弧菌,采用Kirby-Bauer纸片法检测其对12种抗生素的耐药性,用PCR方法检测其携带耐热直接溶血素基因(tdh)和耐热相关溶血素基因(trh)的情况。从对虾养殖池共分离副溶血弧菌50株。药敏实验结果显示,副溶血弧菌对庆大霉素、硫酸新霉素和氨苄西林的耐药情况最为严重,耐药率分别高达98%、90%和86%,对氟苯尼考、氯霉素、头孢他啶等敏感性较高,耐药率分别为10%、10%和20%。88%的菌株具有多重耐药性。毒力基因检测结果显示,所有菌株均不携带tdh基因,4%的菌株表现为trh阳性。本研究表明,对虾养殖水环境中的副溶血弧菌对抗生素的耐药性较为严重,应加强副溶血弧菌的病原学监测,在养殖过程中合理使用抗生素,以实现水产养殖业健康发展。  相似文献   
Despite significant improvements in aquaculture to compensate wild catch, disease organisms have thrived in limiting its national and global potential. Using antibiotics, in a bid to remedy the havoc, has given rise to complications, attracting attention to disease prevention by immune enhancement against diseases. Grouper production has been inhibited for the threats of bacterial infection, particularly of Vibrio origin. Considering the rise in vibriosis cases, improved vaccines are necessary; moreover, recombinant vaccines, the choice for trial in the present experiment have been effective and more specific in improving immunity. The current work deals with grouper immune system enhancement with a recombinant vaccine developed from VirB11 gene in Vibrio harveyi. VirB11 was cloned in V. harveyi for recombinant vaccine development against vibriosis in orange‐spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). As indicated by the results, recombinant VirB11 protein showed effectiveness in conferring protection against vibriosis with observable specific antibody response in enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis; a significant increase (p < 0.05) in antibody levels was observed after a week and after 8 weeks post‐vaccination. From the weeks post‐vaccination, log2 (antibody titres) in the sera of vaccinated groups reached a peak of 14.2 at week 5 in the vaccinated group in comparison with a peak of approximately 5 and 2 in adjuvant and PBS controls. As indicated by the challenge results, 90% relative survival was observed in vaccinated group and 13% relative survival in control group I (adjuvant control). The cumulative performance of protein concludes VirB11 commendable for recombinant vaccine development.  相似文献   
This study aimed at assessing the pathogenicity of two Vibrio splendidus-related species and evaluating the influence of the origin and annual life cycle of mussels on their sensitivity during a bacterial challenge. Thus, in vivo infection assays were made with Vibrio crassostreae 7T4_12 and Vibrio splendidus 3G1_6, over, respectively, thirteen and 9 months, on adult blue mussels from five recruitment areas in France. Two bacterial concentrations were tested: one consistent with the loads of Vibrio spp. in environment and mussel tissues (~105 CFU/ml) and another one much higher (~108 CFU/ml). The tested environmental concentration has no pathogenic effect whatever the time of year, the strain used and the origin of mussels. However, at the highest concentration, a pathogenic effect was observed only at specific moments, and one of the origins appeared to be more resistant. The physiological state of mussels—depending on the time of year—seemed significant in mussels’ sensitivity, as their recruitment origin. This study is the first to test the pathogenicity of V. splendidus-related strains at concentrations close to what is found in the wild, over the annual cycle of mussels, and considering their origin.  相似文献   
The phenotypic characteristics and growth kinetics at several temperatures, salinities, and pH values of three Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) strains with different virulence and one nonpathogenic strain were evaluated. Independent of the virulence of the strain, a high metabolic diversity was found, which yielded different colored phenotypes on the CHROMagar? Vibrio. All strains were resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin, and Vp AHPND+ organisms were the most sensitive to enrofloxacin. The exponential growth of Vp strains started at 1–2 hr of incubation, although no relationship was observed between the bacterial density and degree of virulence. Moreover, the growth of the most virulent strain was independent of the nutrients in the incubation media during the initial hour postinoculation. No strain grew at 4°C in 0% NaCl and pH 4, but only Vp AHPND+ grew at 44°C. For all strains, the lag phase was proportional to the NaCl concentration, and the growth was better at pH 8–9. However, the Vp AHPND? strain displayed a greater variability, was more sensitive to extreme conditions, and showed a lag phase of 9 hr independent of the pH.  相似文献   
To search natural compounds having inhibitory effect on bacterial growth is important, particularly in view of growing multidrug resistant (MDR) strains of bacterial pathogens. Like other bacterial pathogens, MDR Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of diarrheal disease cholera, is becoming a great concern. As an approach of searching new antimicrobial agents, here, we show that anethole, a well-studied natural component of sweet fennel and star anise seeds, could potentially inhibit the growth of MDR O1 El Tor biotype, the ongoing 7th cholera pandemic variant strains of toxigenic V. cholerae. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of anethole against diverse O1 El Tor biotype strains is evaluated as 200 µg/ml. Moreover, the effect of anethole is bactericidal and exerts rapid-killing action on V. cholerae cells. This study is the first report which demonstrates that anethole, purified from natural compound, is a potent inhibitor of growth of toxigenic V. cholerae. Our data suggest that anethole could be a potential antimicrobial drug candidate, particularly against MDR V. cholerae mediated infections.  相似文献   
近年来,氨基糖苷类(Aminoglycoside, AG)抗生素与氯霉素(Chloramphenicol, CHL)联用产生增毒作用而引起的死亡事件屡见不鲜。以4种AG抗生素:盐酸大观霉素(SPC)、硫酸小诺霉素(MCR)、硫酸丁胺卡那霉素(AMK)、妥布霉素(TOB)和氯霉素(CHL)为研究对象,选择青海弧菌(Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67,Q67)作为指示生物,采用直线均分法设计二元混合物,采用最小二乘法拟合浓度-效应数据,运用浓度加和(CA)模型对药物间的毒性相互作用进行评估,并同步分析抗生素联合毒性作用机理。结果表明:在暴露时间为12 h时,以半数浓度效应(EC50)的负对数pEC50值为毒性指标,5种抗生素的毒性大小顺序为TOB > CHL > MCR > AMK >SPC;4种AG抗生素与CHL的二元混合物的联合毒性作用特点因混合组分的不同而不同,Q67在二元混合物的EC50浓度水平、暴露12 h后,细胞形态均未发生显著变化,而在单个抗生素的EC50浓度、暴露12 h后,细胞明显受损,但损伤程度不同;大部分受混合物作用的Q67的发光相关物质含量在EC50效应下均低于空白组,抗生素及其混合物的作用机制很可能是通过干扰发光菌体内蛋白质合成,进而导致细菌代谢紊乱,最终致其死亡。  相似文献   
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